
FastCGI Mode for PHP

If you need to use PHP in FastCGI mode, follow these steps:

  1. Login to the system as the root user and navigate to "Settings" → "Software Configuration."
  2. Select "Web Server (WWW)" from the list and click "Edit":


  1. In the opened settings window, choose "Apache MPM-Prefork." Make sure the "PHP Module" option is enabled.


  1. Save the changes.
  2. Next, grant access to FastCGI for the user. Go to the "Users" section, select the desired user from the list, and click "Edit."
  3. On the "Access" tab, check the box that says "Can use PHP in FastCGI mode (Apache)" and save the changes.


  1. Now, log in as the user and go to the "Sites" section.
  2. Double-click on the row of the desired website.
  3. Make sure "PHP" is selected in the "Handler" field and choose "FastCGI (Apache)" in the "PHP Mode" section, then save the changes.


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