GoGetSSL BusinessTrust SAN SSL

Сертификат GoGetSSL
The BusinessTrust SAN SSL certificate, issued under our GoGetSSL® brand and in collaboration with Sectigo CA (formerly Comodo), boasts the highest compatibility and 99.6% trust from well-known browsers, mobile devices, and server software. Premium certificates like GoGetSSL come with Elliptic Curve Cryptography (ECC) and SHA hashing algorithms as default. We offer a 30-day money-back guarantee for any possible reason.
1 year: 49400 KZT
2 years: 86450 KZT
Order a certificate
Issuance as 1-3 days
With company verification
Without documents
www non-www
Dynamic printing
Mobile devices
Free licenses
Green bar
Free reissue
Guarantee $50,000
SAN support Available for an additional fee
Accelerated verification with LEI Not required for this SSL
Domain validation methods Email / Hash file / DNS CNAME
Encryption methods SHA-2 and ECC

The BusinessTrust SAN SSL certificate, issued under our GoGetSSL® brand and in collaboration with Sectigo CA (formerly Comodo), boasts the highest compatibility and 99.6% trust from well-known browsers, mobile devices, and server software. Premium certificates like GoGetSSL come with Elliptic Curve Cryptography (ECC) and SHA hashing algorithms as default. We offer a 30-day money-back guarantee for any possible reason.

SAN SSL allows you to secure up to 250 domain names or subdomains simultaneously, making it more flexible compared to regular or Wildcard certificates. Each SSL has unlimited server licensing and free reissues, so you can change your domains/subdomains without any additional fees.

SSL Trust Logo

Each SSL comes with a Site Seal logo to help you establish trust with your website visitors and potential customers. It is a well-known fact that most people are hesitant to use their credit cards if they do not trust the website or services. Our Site Seal comes with a transparent background to match most website styles and have the best visual effect. Place the seal on key pages, such as the shopping cart and contact form.

SAN SSL (multi-domain)

Multi-domain SSL certificates, also known as SAN (Subject Alternative Name) or UCC (Unified Communications Certificate), are your best friend if you have multiple websites or subdomains to protect. Our multi-domain SSL contains up to 250 SAN elements, which means you can protect 250 different domain names or subdomains. You can also use this SSL with Exchange servers.

Business Verification

Organization validation multi-domain SSL allows you to display your verified company name on all your sites and subdomains. We recommend using the LEI code or DUNS number in the verification process to speed up the process. You also need to confirm your phone number through one of the available public resources. Usually, verification takes about 1-3 business days. In most cases, we do not require any additional documents to pass the process.

Improve Google ranking

Slight changes in Google ranking algorithm help websites with active and valid SSL certificates to achieve higher positions in Google search. This change applies to all types of SSL certificates, such as domain validation, business validation or extended validation. Verified companies/organizations may achieve even higher results.

Premium Compatibility

The main feature of every SSL is trust and compatibility with browsers and mobile devices, it is very important to use professional SSL certificates that have the highest compatibility, our BusinessTrust SAN SSL works in 99.6% of known devices.

Compare multi-domain SSL

Today there are over 15 SSL certificates from more than 5 certificate authorities (CA) with their own features, functionality, warranty levels, support levels, site seal logo, and number of SAN elements. We believe that it can be difficult to choose the right SSL even for experienced users who have significant experience working with this technology.

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