DigiCert Document Signing Certificate

Document signing certificates allow individuals, teams, and organizations to add an electronic digital signature to a document in various file formats to verify ownership. The digital signature is an encrypted hash of your message that can only be decrypted by those who have a copy of your public key, ensuring integrity of the documents, confirming the identity of the sender, and protecting confidential information.
1 year: 356850 KZT
2 years: 555100 KZT
Order a certificate
Issuance as
With company verification
Without documents
www non-www
Dynamic printing
Mobile devices
Free licenses
Green bar
Free reissue
SAN support Available for an additional fee
Accelerated verification with LEI Not required for this SSL
Domain validation methods Email / Hash file / DNS CNAME
Encryption methods SHA-2 and ECC
DigiCert® Document Signing Manager provides enterprise-class digital signatures, electronic seals, and timestamps built on the flexibility and power of DigiCert® ONE. Comply with organizational policies, global regulatory requirements, and digital transformation goals for document signing, ensuring business continuity. Increase control over signer access and signature verification capability while saving time and money for your organization and your customers.

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