Sectigo EssentialSSL

Sectigo Essential SSL is a 256-bit certificate that is affordable and easy to install. It is suitable for websites and other mediums, fully compatible with browsers and mobile devices. Issuance takes only five minutes. Passing domain validation successfully is enough. Email, DNS or HTTP can be used.
1 year: 6955 KZT
2 years: 12175 KZT
Order a certificate
Issuance as 5 minutes
With company verification
Without documents
www non-www
Dynamic printing
Mobile devices
Free licenses
Green bar
Free reissue
Guarantee $10,000
SAN support Available for an additional fee
Accelerated verification with LEI Not required for this SSL
Domain validation methods Email / Hash file / DNS CNAME
Encryption methods SHA-2 and ECC

Sectigo Essential SSL is a 256-bit certificate that is affordable and easy to install. It is suitable for websites and other mediums, fully compatible with browsers and mobile devices. Issuance takes only five minutes. Passing domain validation successfully is enough. Email, DNS or HTTP can be used.

When using Sectigo Essential SSL, the address bar contains a gray or green lock. This assures visitors that information is encrypted and protected. It is an excellent option for small web projects, as no paperwork is required.

Like other Sectigo products, the Essential SSL certificate is capable of protecting both the WWW and non-WWW version of a site, with no difference in price. In the information security market, this product is one of the most affordable, which is not surprising: reliable protection has become quite affordable.

Security logo. Your website is protected

With each SSL certificate, you will receive a free security logo that you can place on your website, thereby informing your visitors that they are on a secure site and that you care about protection. The security logo means more sales and trust.

Domain Validated Certificate

SSL certificates with domain validation are one of the quickest types of certificates to obtain, as they do not require any documents. The validation process is very simple - all you need to do is respond to an automatic validation email from the certification center. This type of certificate is suitable for small websites.

SEO Rating Boost

Google Inc. announced changes to its search engine algorithm. Now all websites with active SSL certificates receive more trust and higher rating positions. These are minor improvements in your website's rating. We believe that Business and Extended Validation certificates have a higher rating than domain validation certificates.

Supported Devices

Device/browser compatibility is one of the most important parts of an SSL certificate. Essential SSL provides support for 99.6+ browsers and mobile devices.

Compare the necessary certificate

We provide the most detailed Sectigo brand comparison available online. Simple and professional comparison will allow you to understand the main / additional features of each SSL certificate we sell. Experience shows that price is not the main factor when choosing an SSL certificate, sometimes a cheap certificate from one provider can have more capabilities than others.

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