Sectigo PositiveSSL Multi Wildcard

Sectigo PositiveSSL Multi-Domain Wildcard SSL certificate is unique in that it allows you to protect multiple domains, and the number of protected subdomains is unlimited. This SSL certificate from Sectigo (formerly Comodo CA) was the first to provide full SAN and Wildcard support. Users can protect as many subdomains as they want, combined with different domain names, using the same certificate. Initially, SSL uses a single common name (CSR) and two SAN elements upon delivery.
1 year: 81374 KZT
2 years: 142402 KZT
Order a certificate
Issuance as 5 minutes
With company verification
Without documents
www non-www
Dynamic printing
Mobile devices
Free licenses
Green bar
Free reissue
Guarantee $10,000
SAN support Available for an additional fee
Accelerated verification with LEI Not required for this SSL
Domain validation methods Email / Hash file / DNS CNAME
Encryption methods SHA-2 and ECC

Sectigo PositiveSSL Multi-Domain Wildcard SSL certificate is unique in that it allows you to protect multiple domains, and the number of protected subdomains is unlimited. This SSL certificate from Sectigo (formerly Comodo CA) was the first to provide full SAN and Wildcard support. Users can protect as many subdomains as they want, combined with different domain names, using the same certificate. Initially, SSL uses a single common name (CSR) and two SAN elements upon delivery.

With Sectigo PositiveSSL Multi-Domain with Wildcard, you can protect *.domain.tld, *.mydomain.tld, *.sub.domain.tld, and many other combinations from 250 SAN elements. Users save time and money. Multiple dedicated IP addresses can be saved for multiple single and group certificates. There are no restrictions on subdomains, free reissues, or server licensing in SAN Wildcard SSL. This product is the best way to save money and is suitable for both startups and large commercial projects.

Wildcard domain support

The Multi-Domain Wildcard SSL certificate allows you to protect any number of subdomains under different domain names. The product has separate support for Wildcard for second, third, or fourth level domain names. Wildcard support for an unlimited number of subdomains at different levels is not provided - only one. For example, *.anydomain.tld, *.my.anydomain.tld, *.3rd.2nd.tld.

SAN option

Subject Alternative Names (SAN), Unified Communications Certificates (UCC) allow you to secure up to 250 domains with any number of subdomains, if the Wildcard option is available. The option is compatible with SNI technology. UCC/SAN Wildcard SSL can be installed on any freely available number of servers.

Trust logo

Many Wildcard certificates are available without any trust logos. Sectigo provides a free Static Site Seal logo in PNG format with transparency option for each Wildcard certificate order. This approach helps increase conversion rates and provides a trust mark for contact pages and order forms.

Domain validation

The validation process itself does not take much time and you do not need to send paper documents. As a result, DV certificates allow you to provide protection very quickly. It is enough to confirm ownership of the domain by email, DNS CNAME, or HTTP hash file. A simple, time-saving check is available for both private and corporate customers. After that, obtaining the SSL itself will take just a few minutes.

Google SEO Booster

The feature of the product will please webmasters, as now every website with an SSL certificate will receive a higher Google ranking. This is due to changes that have occurred in the search engine's algorithms. Now, having this SSL certificate can significantly improve results.

Certificate compatibility

Previously, many users and server administrators were not so picky and used free SSL certificates, which had poor compatibility with browsers. But the more time passes, the more popular trusted CA brands such as Sectigo become. It is important that the SSL compatibility with browsers and mobile devices is not in doubt, so that the certificate works in any environment. Otherwise, site visitors will receive warning messages in the browser, which will certainly not increase the level of trust.

Comparison of SSL certificates

Guarantee, level of trust, reliability of protection, different verification methods, support for SAN or Wildcard - based on these and many other criteria, the user has to compare SSL certificates to make the right choice. Sounds like a nightmare? Now it's much easier, as a tool for comparing SSL certificates is available.

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