DigiCert Secure Site EV

There is no doubt that this is the best EV certificate in the industry. DigiCert Secure Site EV SSL is an absolute trust leader with a long history. SSL comes with 256-bit encryption and supports the SHA2 algorithm. You can add up to 250 SAN elements to protect all of your websites.
1 year: 529074 KZT
2 years: 1005238 KZT
Order a certificate
Issuance as 1-5 days
With company verification
Without documents
www non-www
Dynamic printing
Mobile devices
Free licenses
Green bar
Free reissue
Guarantee $1,750,000
SAN support Available for an additional fee
Accelerated verification with LEI Not required for this SSL
Domain validation methods Email / Hash file / DNS CNAME
Encryption methods SHA-2 and ECC

There is no doubt that this is the best EV certificate in the industry. DigiCert Secure Site EV SSL is an absolute trust leader with a long history. SSL comes with 256-bit encryption and supports the SHA2 algorithm. You can add up to 250 SAN elements to protect all of your websites.

Green address bar included

To secure the website with DigiCert Secure Site EV, extended validation is required to obtain a green address bar, which increases the conversion rate up to 17.3%. DigiCert serves over 100,000 websites in more than 172 countries and delivers around 300 million Norton Site Seal impressions per day. Support is available 24/7 for free.

Extended Validation required

To ensure website security, DigiCert Secure Site EV requires confirmation of domain ownership, company verification, and a call-back process. DigiCert provides multilingual support and a large number of agents worldwide to make the process fast and easy. Make sure you have enough patience, as the verification process may take some time.

Norton™ Secured Seal

DigiCert SSL certificates are equipped with the well-known Norton™ Secured Site Seal, which receives around 850 million impressions per day in 160 countries. This is the number one trust mark in the SSL world, recognized by almost every user.

Ability to add SAN

DigiCert Secure Site EV SSL is great for securing all your sites/subdomains with one SSL as you can now add up to 250 different SAN elements. It's much easier to manage one SSL instead of several; Same expiration, private key, and verification process.

Google booster

DigiCert Secure Site is a unique product as it has both Seal-in-Search to increase click-throughs and conversions, as well as a Google SEO booster. Every SSL certificate increases the website's ranking, as Google Inc. announced a minor search algorithm update.

Compatibility expert

DigiCert is an absolute expert in SSL with almost 100% compatibility with browsers, mobile devices, and servers. It is highly recommended for large enterprises, e-commerce projects, banks, or government institutions.

Compare Secure Site EV

It's difficult to choose the right SSL certificate, even if you're an advanced user, like a hosting or internet provider. Now you don't need to be an expert, because we have a professional SSL comparison tool.

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