DigiCert Inc. owns the RapidSSL Standard certificate, which is a well-established and popular certification center with thousands of sales worldwide. Like any other domain validation service, issuing an SSL certificate takes about five minutes. RapidSSL provides 256-bit encryption and supports the SHA2 hash algorithm.
Verification is done automatically, so it is possible to obtain a certificate at any time of the day. There is no need to send legal or private documentation to the certification center. All that is required is proof of domain ownership. Verification can be done via email only.
You can save money by ordering an SSL for a multi-year period without losing anything. The longer the period, the greater the savings. The maximum period is two years. The SSL certificate comes with a $10,000 warranty, free reissues, and unlimited support for server licensing. Check out other RapidSSL certificates available on the website.